The CARE program is a service provided through the EOPS to assist the single parent student that has a dependent child and receives TANF (Cash Aid). The additional services to CARE eligible students include CARE orientation and workshops, CARE grants, meal cards, gas cards, parking permits, and bus passes.
CARE is a program unique to the State of California and the California Community Colleges, and exists on campuses statewide. It was established in 1982 as a supplemental component of EOPS to provide support services and activities for the welfare-dependent, single head of household student population. In concert with recent Welfare Reform Legislation, the CARE program works collaboratively with the CalWORKS program. Students are able to participate both in CARE and CalWORKS and may receive services from both programs.
Eligibility & Services
- Be at least 18 years old, and a single head of household, and
- Be an EOPS participant
- Have an active CalWORKS case number, and
- Be receiving TANF (Cash Aid) for yourself or your child(ren)
- Academic and Vocational counseling
- Academic, Life Skills, & Parenting workshops
- Support networks
- CARE Grants
- Referral to campus and community resources
- Meal Vouchers
- Gas Cards
- School Supplies
- Merced College Semester Parking Passes
- Additional Book Services for those who qualify
Apply for CARE
To apply for CARE have your case worker complete their portion and see an EOPS/CARE staff member in the EOPS/CARE office (second floor of the Lesher Building). If you are not already an EOPS student, you will need to apply for and be accepted into the EOPS program before your CARE enrollment can become effective.
Will begin accepting students for the Fall 2024 semester in July 2024.
CARE Graduates

Nora N Martinez
Student Support CoordinatorEOPSMailstop 10