Application and Hire Process

View open positions and apply for a work study.

The Federal Work-Study Program offers students the opportunity to earn money through part-time employment. Students looking for employment should follow these steps:

  • Jobs are located both on-campus and off-campus locations with non-profit, for-profit that contract with Merced College.
  • Job types vary we try to locate work related to your major or occupational goal.
  • The FWS program allows students gain work experience and also earn money they can use to help pay educational and personal expenses.
  • Employment is not guaranteed, you must apply and wait to hear for possible interview. Be sure you are enrolled in 12 units or more and receiving Financial Aid to qualify.
  • Work-Study wages will be at least minimum wage.
  • Work-Study students receive their payroll checks once a month and must input hours on Web Time Entry.

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