Virtual Meeting Protocols

8 Do’s of Video Conferencing Etiquette
  • Do be courteous to other participants
  • Do speak clearly
  • Do keep body movements minimal
  • Do make your information as accessible as possible
  • Do maintain eye contact by looking into the camera
  • Do dress appropriately
  • Do be aware of the pace of the meeting
  • Do be yourself and have fun!
7 Don’ts of Video Conferencing Etiquette
  • Don’t make distracting sounds
  • Don’t shout
  • Don’t make distracting movements
  • Don’t interrupt other speakers
  • Don’t carry on side conversations
  • Don’t wear jewelry that makes distracting noise
  • Don’t cover the microphone

Test Your Technology
  • Test all of your technology (including camera/video, wi-fi, screen sharing, any features you want to use during the meeting).
Practice Speaking to the Camera and Not the Screen
  • Our tendency is to look at the person on the screen, but you should look at the camera when you speak so the audience feels like you’re talking directly to them.
Prepare Windows and Materials
  • Open any windows or documents you wish to share ahead of time.
Check Documents for Accessibility
  • Use high contrast font, make sure color designations are backed up with text, use document text headers to support the use of screen readers.
Dress Appropriately
  • Take a few minutes to throw on professional attire as if you were attending a meeting in person.

Be Prepared
  • Review your agenda and presentation. Open any documents needed for the meeting.
Make time for Casual Conversation
  • Allow some time before and/or after the meeting for friendly interaction before diving into a meeting to build rapport and keep team members engaged.
Consent for Recording
  • Obtain consent before recording meetings.
Be Aware of Your Surroundings
  • Adjust your work setup so that you face a window or are exposed to plenty of light. Make sure your background is professional and work appropriate.
  • If you have multiple guests, introduce everyone at the start of the meeting/session. Use the participants list to welcome all participants.
Be Flexible
  • Be flexible with cameras being on/off for reasons of privacy or bandwidth issues.
  • Enable Zoom Captions or special accommodations as requested. Verify that participants can see the screen (ctrl+’-/+’ to zoom in/out).

Speak Up Upon Entry
  • When you enter a small meeting (around 2 to 5 people) announce yourself when you join. For larger groups, wait until introductions to speak. Try not to interrupt someone mid-sentence.
Be Attentive
  • Don’t stare at your phone while other people are presenting, be attentive and present.
Silence Your Phone
  • Make sure your cell phone is set on silent.
Be Aware of Your Surroundings
  • It would be preferrable to find a location where there are limited distractions, and you can be clearly visible if you are on camera.
Don’t Type in the Background
  • Leave your keyboard alone unless you want to use the chat to ask questions or share comments.
Be Respectful-Raise Your Hand
  • To prevent interrupting others when they’re speaking use the raise-hand feature under “reactions” in the participant panel. Don’t forget to remove the raised hand when you are done.
  • Identify yourself before commenting, try to use the chat to share any relevant information.
Mute Yourself
  • Mute your microphone (click on the microphone icon on the participant panel) when you’re not talking. This helps eliminate feedback and background noise.
Don’t Multitask
  • Try not to work on other tasks during the meeting. It is tempting to check email or have a side conversation, but you might miss out on key information or an opportunity to give input if you are distracted.
Stay Seated and Stay Present
  • If you are on camera, use attentive body language: sit up straight, don’t make big movements, and don’t let your eyes wander.
  • Use video as much as possible, make sure facial expressions and lip reading are accessible (you are close enough that this can be seen)
  • Use the Chat to ask questions and provide links for conversation clarity
  • Use a headset when background noise is present
  • Add contact information for a help desk should issues arise

Classroom Specific


Contact DSPS using [email protected] for information on disability-specific accommodations. Inform your students of your preference for participants being on camera. Students cannot be mandated to be on camera (hyperlink to CCCCO memo).

If you need additional support or help creating accessible content, contact [email protected].


If you need course-specific accommodation, make sure to share your accommodation letter with the instructor.