The McConnell Honors Scholarship
An endowment has been established to fund scholarships for students enrolled in Honors Program classes. These $1,000 scholarships are awarded annually through the Merced College Foundation. Applications are due in the spring semester for funds to be disbursed during the following academic year. Recipients will receive $500 the following fall semester, and $500 the following spring semester.
Eligibility Requirements
Any new student with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, or any continuing student with a minimum cumulative GPA pf 3.25, is eligible to apply for a McConnell Honors Scholarship. Students who are awarded these scholarships are expected to enroll in at least one honors class in each of the semesters during which they receive funding.
How to Apply
The application for the McConnell Scholarship, and all other scholarships awarded through the Merced College Foundation, can be accessed online during the application period from March 1st through April 30th. For information about the application process, please contact Ashleigh Rice in the Financial Aid Office: [email protected] or (209) 384-6220.