Portfolio Procedures
Merced College Art Gallery features a wide variety of art exhibits each year. At this time, six exhibits are being considered for the fall and spring semester 2020/2021. The art gallery schedules 3-4 solo exhibits each semester as well as a student art exhibit and a yearly faculty art exhibit. Our review is limited to California artists only.
The deadline for this year’s review is February 20, 2020.
How Artists are Selected
After a careful review of the artist’s portfolios, the gallery coordinator and arts faculty members select the exhibits for the coming year. It is the goal of the art gallery to enhance the students’ education in the arts and present a cultural opportunity to the community as well.
Please mail Portfolios to the gallery for review. Included should be 10-20 digital images (discs or thumb drive) of the artist’s work, a resume, and an artist statement. A self-addressed, stamped return envelope is necessary if portfolio is to be returned.
Where to Send Portfolios
The mailing address is:
Merced College Art Gallery
3600 M Street
Merced, CA 95348-2898
Artwork is handled with extreme care and the gallery is under the supervision of trained docents or the gallery coordinator during open hours. The gallery provides publicity and a reception (including printing and mailing of 300-400 invitations). At this time, our budget makes no provisions for shipping expenses.
About Merced College Art Gallery
Merced College is a community college in a town of 90,000, located midway between Modesto and Fresno, in the Central Valley of California. The gallery wall space is approximately 68 running feet. Its moderate size is ideal for solo exhibitions, and its location, adjacent to the theater, brings extra visitors to the gallery. While the gallery is primarily educational in focus, we are happy to make sales for the artists, asking a 20% commission from the proceeds.