The Campus Police Department’s main office is located on the Merced Campus with office hours Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm and service hours until 11:00pm.  During the summer, office hours are closed on Fridays.

  • Merced Campus Police Department: (209) 386-6600
  • Los Banos Campus Police: (209) 381-6425

After 11:00pm, ALL calls will be forward to Merced Police Department Dispatch.

Police personnel enforce federal, state, and local laws, including criminal laws and vehicle code violations, as well as investigate all criminal and traffic cases that occur on Merced Campus, Los Banos Campus, and the Business Resource Center. The Campus Police Department also provides policing for a variety of events held on the Merced campus for the community at large.

As a Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) certified police department, Merced Community College District Police respond to a variety of calls for service which include calls for crimes in progress and medical calls for sick or injured persons in addition to vehicle collisions.

Campus Police operates as a separate jurisdiction working in conjunction with the Merced Police Department.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide responsive, professional and caring law enforcement services to all the people of the Merced Community College District.  We will respond to calls for service promptly, protect lives and property to the very best of our abilities, initiate and maintain crime prevention programs, and apprehend criminal offenders.

As Merced Community College District Police Department employees, we will always conform to the high standards expected by the public, by being fair, compassionate, unbiased and in conformance with the “Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.”

Location & Phone

Main Campus

Public Safety Center Building 4
3600 M Street
Merced, CA 95348
Phone: (209) 386-6600
Informational:  (209) 384-6054

Los Banos Campus

22240 Highway 152
Los Banos, CA 93635
Phone: (209) 381-6425


Day Time
Monday – Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm
Service hours until 11:00pmAfter 11:00pm, ALL calls will be forwarded to Merced City Police Department.
However, all after hour calls to the Los Banos campus will go to Merced County Sheriff Department.CLOSED ON FRIDAYS DURING THE SUMMER
Weekends & Holidays Closed

About the Department

The Merced Community College District Police Department operates as a separate jurisdiction working in conjunction with the Merced Police Department.  Established pursuant to Education Code 72330, Merced College Police Department receives legal authority under California Penal Code Section 830.32.

Both Merced and Los Banos Campus Police Department are under the direction of the Director of Law Enforcement, Sgt.  Mark Jenkins , with the Merced Police Department.

The Merced Community College Police Department consists of 5 Full Time Sworn Peace Officers, 4 Full Time non-sworn Parking Enforcement/Security Officers, 1 Part Time non-sworn Parking Enforcement/Security Officer, 6 extra help security officers, and a front office administrative assistant.  All of these individuals play an important role in protecting and serving the campus community.

Contacts Phone/Email
Campus Police Department (209) 386-6600 (Merced Main Campus)
(209) 381-6425 (Los Banos Campus)
(209) 384-6054 (Informational)[email protected]
Campus Police-Administrative Assistant [email protected]
PMB 1-800-700-4417
Student Health Nurse / Health & Personal Counseling (209) 384-6045
Anonymous Crime Tip Line 1-800-78-CRIME
Emergency 911

Valley Crisis Center

  • Valley Crisis Center – Office (209) 725-7900
  • Valley Crisis Center – Crisis (209) 722-HELP (4359)
  • 24-hour Domestic Hotline – (800) 799-7233
  • Website:
