Current Standings, Statistics & Records

The California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA) tracks current standings, statistics and records:

Historical Statistics & Records

Historical Statistics & Records

Blue Devil All-Americans and All-State Tourney Team

 Athlete Year Played
Willie Cherry 1969
John Safford 1970
Martin Valdez 1973
Bruce Bowen 1974
Bill Russell 1975
Reggie Burt 1976
Calvin Roberts 1977-78
Ed Saunders 1979
Doug Cherry 1979
Charles Pittman 1979-80
Jerry Dennard 1980-81
Alvin Battle 1981-82
Mike Jones 1982-83
Dean Shaffer 1982-83
Terry Stevens 1985-86
Sam Barnes 1987-88
Greg Ballard 1988-89
Malcolm Person 1988-89
Maurice Williams 1991

Historical Statistics & Records

All-Conference Players

Athlete Year Played
Juan Escamilla 1963-64
Bob Shadric 1963-64
Juan Escamilla 1964-65
John Keely 1964-65
Don Jones 1966-67
Willie Cherry (MVP) 1968-69
Jerry Pender 1969-70
Ron Smiddy 1969-70
John Safford 1969-70
Ron Jones 1970-71
Doug Adkins (MVP) 1970-71
Martin Valdez (MVP) 1972-73
Den Strader 1972-73
Bruce Bowen (MVP) 1973-74
Chip Harper 1974-75
Bill Russell 1974-75
Reggie Burt (MVP) 1975-76
Charles Tate 1975-76
Calvin Roberts 1976-77
Eddie Guerrero 1976-77
Lenard Robertson 1976-77
Calvin Roberts (MVP) 1977-78
Doug Cherry 1977-78
Charles Pittman (Co-MVP) 1978-79
Doug Cherry (Co-MVP) 1978-79
Charles Pittman 1979-80
Donnie Earl 1979-80
Jerry Dennard 1979-80
Alvin Battle 1980-81
Irv Hairston 1980-81
Jerry Dennard (MVP) 1980-81
Ricky Lewis 1981-82
Mike Thompson 1981-82
Alvin Battle (MVP) 1981-82
Dean Shaffer (MVP) 1982-83
Mike Jones 1982-83
Mitch Braswell 1982-83
Thomas Mabry 1983-84
Mike Girardi 1984-85
Bobby Hines 1984-85
Terry Stevens 1985-86
Ronnie Stample 1985-86
Richard Reed 1986-87
Louis Bryant 1986-87
Donald Harris 1986-87
Reggie Ricks 1987-88
Sam Barnes (MVP) 1987-88
Ron Tabron (Hon. Mention) 1987-88
Malcolm Person 1988-89
Joey Allison 1988-89
Greg Ballard (MVP) 1988-89
Napoleon Simmons (Hon. Mention) 1988-89
Malcolm Person 1989-90
Kevin Weatherby 1989-90
Dexter Coward 1989-90
Maurice Williams (MVP) 1990-91
Traven Buckner 1990-91
Greg Frazier 1990-91
Darrel Davis 1991-92
Benson Brower 1991-92
Kevin Traylor (Hon. Mention) 1991-92
Noble Scott 1992-93
Vince Norris 1992-93
Adrian O’Neal (Hon. Mention) 1993-94
Moses Kearney (Hon. Mention) 1993-94
Darryl Fox 1993-94
Travis Schlaht 1994-95
Kelvin Richardson 1994-95
Ja’Son Scott 1995-96
Ty Winn 1996-97
Richard Lugowski 1997-98
Kenquan Hudson (Hon. Mention) 1997-98
Roylin Wolf (Hon. Mention) 1997-98
Keith McLawhorn 2000-01
Greg Ward 2000-01
Cliff Charles 2001-02
Omar Waller 2001-02
Jaraeu Rasheed 2002-03
Emier Shepherd 2003-04
Leslie Malone 2005-06
Chris Hayes (Hon. Mention) 2005-06
Lamar Burton (Hon. Mention) 2005-06
Leslie Malone 2006-07
A’Daeron Duncan 2006-07
Julius Cheeks (Hon. Mention 2006-07
Julius Cheeks 2007-08
Lavell Shipman 2008-09
Logan Wiens (Hon. Mention) 2008-09
John Lowe 2009-10
JerMichael Williams 2009-10
Logan Wiens (Hon. Mention) 2009-10
Tamar Moultrie 2010-11
Alonzo Sharpe (Hon. Mention) 2010-11
Joshua Tatum (Hon. Mention) 2010-11
Joshua Tatum 2011-12
Andre Mattson (Hon. Mention) 2011-12
Aaron Deatherage (Hon. Mention) 2012-13
Jermaine Crowder (Hon. Mention) 2012-13
Anthony Nolen (Hon. Mention) 2015-16
Jose Gonzalez (Hon. Mention) 2015-16
Deonte Woodard (Co-MVP) 2016-17
Josh Willingham 2016-17
Anthony Nolen (Hon. Mention) 2016-17
Chris Roberson (Hon. Mention) 2017-18
Kesean Warren (Hon. Mention) 2017-18
Alexander Stewart 2018-19
Chris Roberson 2018-19
Eddie Riddiccs (Hon. Mention) 2019-20
Malachi Butler (Hon. Mention) 2019-20
CJ Ayers (Hon. Mention) 2019-20

Historical Statistics & Records

All-State Tourney Team

 Athlete Year Played
Marvin Keller 1973
Bruce Bowen 1974
Reggie Burt 1975-76
Calvin Roberts 1977-78
Ed Saunders 1978-79
Charles Pittman 1978-79
Jerry Dennard 1980-81
Alvin Battle 1981-82
Ron Tabron 1988

Historical Statistics & Records

Individual Season Records

Record Details
Most assists:
221-32 games, Joey Allison, 1988-89
Most rebounds:
1.  415- 33 games, Leslie Malone, 2005-06
2.  303- 32 games, Joey Fox, 1993-94
2.  303- 34 games, Kelvin Richardson, 1994-95
4.  298- 35 games, Sam Barnes, 1987-88
5.  279-30games, Willie Cherry, 1967-68  
Most consecutive free throws:
1.  35, Adrian O’Neal, 1993-94
2.  27, Adrian O’Neal, 1993-94
Best free throw percentage:
1.  96.4%, Jose Gonzalez, 2015-16  (made 54-56 season, 27-27 conf)
2. 85.5%, Juan Escamilla, 1963-64
Most free throws attempted:
283, Jerry Pender, 1969-70
Most free throws made:
170, Jerry Pender, 1969-70
Most 3-points attempted:
269, Reggie Ricks, 1987-88
Most 3-points made:
105, Reggie Ricks, 1987-88
Best 3-point percentage:
1.  41.1%, Paul Clark, 2018-19
2.  40.2%, Rondell Christian, 1994-95
Most field goals attempted:
696, John Safford, 1969-70
Most field goals made:
349, John Safford, 1969-70
Best field goal percentage:
1.  69.5%, Joshua Willingham 180-257), 2016-17
2.  61.7%, Charles Pittman (142-230), 1979-80
Most points:
842, John Safford, 1969-70
Best season scoring average:
26.3, John Safford, 1969-70
Most steals:
110- 33games, Doug Adkins, 1970-71

Historical Statistics & Records: Individual Team Awards

Individual Team Awards: 1963-1969

Year Individual Team Awards
 1963-64   Most Valuable Player – Bob Shadric
Best Floor Shooter – Al Torres
Best Foul Shooter – Juan Escamilla
Best Rebounder – Bob Shadric
1964-65 Most Valuable Player – Dan Guzman
Best Floor Shooter – John Keely
Best Foul Shooter – Dan Guzman
Best Rebounder – Dan Guzman
Wayne’s Most Improved Player – Dennis Dolley
Mr. Assist – Juan Escamilla
1965-66 Most Valuable Player – John Keely
Best Floor Shooter – Dan Guzman
Best Foul Shooter – Walt Champion
Best Rebounder – Dan Guzman
Wayne’s Most Improved Player – Ed Padilla
Mr. Assist – Roscoe Pierce
1966-67 Most Valuable Player – Don Jones
Best Floor Shooter – Don Jones
Best Foul Shooter – Don Jones
Best Rebounder – Walt Champion
Mr. Assist – Roscoe Pierce
Mr. Defense – Les Worthy
1967-68 Most Valuable Player – Willie Cherry
Best Floor Shooter – Willie Cherry
Best Foul Shooter – Don Jones
Best Rebounder – Willie Cherry
Mr. Assist – Don Jones
Mr. Defense – Fred Warner
1968-69 Most Valuable Player – Willie Cherry
Best Floor Shooter – Fred Warner
Best Foul Shooter – Roy White
Best Rebounder – Willie Cherry
Mr. Assist – Fred Warner
Mr. Defense – Fred Warner
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Menno Systma

Individual Team Awards: 1970-1979

Year Individual Team Awards
1969-70 Most Valuable Player – John Stafford
Best Floor Shooter – Jerry Pender
Best Foul Shooter – John Stafford
Best Rebounder – Jerry Pender
Mr. Assist – Ron Smiddy
Mr. Defense – Al Boyce
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Jeff Darrow
1970-71 Most Valuable Player – Doug Atkins
Best Floor Shooter – Doug Atkins
Best Foul Shooter – Doug Atkins
Best Rebounder – John Rice
Mr. Assist – Doug Atkins
Mr. Defense – Ron Jones
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Angelo Naldi
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Jim Delgado
1971-72 Most Valuable Player – Ken Strader
Best Floor Shooter – John Rice
Best Foul Shooter – Mark Liles
Best Rebounder – John Rice
Mr. Assist – Mark Liles
Mr. Defense – Ken Strader
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Joe Pegues, Ken Walker
John Miller Basektball Dedication Award – Ken Walker
1972-73 Most Valuable Player – Martin Valdez
Best Floor Shooter – Martin Valdez
Best Foul Shooter – Jeff Boothe
Best Rebounder – Ken Strader
Mr. Assist – Joe Pegues
Mr. Defense – Ken Strader
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Randy Simmons
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Martin Valdez
1973-74 Best Floor Shooter – Bruce Bowen
Best Foul Shooter – Jeff Boothe
Best Rebounder – Ken Walker
Mr. Assist – Chandler Harper
Mr. Defense – Craig Williams
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Jeff Boothe
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Mike Ohki
Most Charges Taken Award – Chandler Harper
1974-75 Best Floor Shooter – Chandler Harper
Best Foul Shooter – Chandler Harper
Best Rebounder – Bruce Bowen
Mr. Assist – William Russell
Mr. Defense – Marvin Keller
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Bruce Bowen
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Bruce Robinson
Most Charges Taken Award – Chandler Harper
1975-76 Best Floor Shooter – Reggie Burt
Best Foul Shooter – Corky Hines
Best Rebounder – Reggie Burt
Mr. Assist – Reggie Burt
Mr. Defense – Marc MaComber
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Ron May
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Ruben Franco
Most Charges Taken Award – Charles Tate
1976-77 Best Floor Shooter – Lenard Robinson
Best Foul Shooter – Corky Harris
Best Rebounder – Calvin Roberts
Mr. Assist – Eddie Guerrero
Mr. Defense – Eddie Guerrero
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Mike Ryan
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Rosevelt Marks
Most Charges Taken Award – Lenard Robinson
1977-78 All-Round Player – Doug Cherry
Best Floor Shooter – Calvin Roberts
Best Foul Shooter – Mike Loomis
Best Rebounder – Calvin Roberts
Mr. Assist – Ed Saunders
Mr. Defense – Mike Loomis
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Vic Humphyfrey, Wayne Luker
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Orlonzo Hedrington
Most Charges Taken Award – Mark Pflum
1978-79 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Mike Loomis
Best Floor Shooter – Charles Pittman
Best Foul Shooter – Vic Humphyfrey
Best Rebounder – Charles Pittman
Mr. Assist – Ed Saunders
Mr. Defense – Donnie Earl
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Mike Loomis
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Doug Cherry
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Mark Pflum

Individual Team Awards: 1980-1989

Year Individual Team Awards
1979-80 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Donnie Earl
Best Floor Shooter – Charles Pittman
Best Foul Shooter – Jim Smutny
Best Rebounder – Charles Pittman
Mr. Assist – Donnie Earl
Mr. Defense – Donnie Earl
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Booth Borcherding
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Greg Smith
Charges Taken Award – Donnie Earl
1980-81 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Mike Thompson
Best Floor Shooter – Barry Uzzell
Best Foul Shooter – Jim Smutny, Ron Raglin
Best Rebounder – Jerry Denard
Mr. Assist – Rick Lewis
Mr. Defense – Alvin Battle
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Rick Lewis
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Ron Raglin
Most Charges Taken Award – Jerry Denard
1981-82 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Alvin Battle
Best Floor Shooter – Alvin Battle
Best Foul Shooter – Mike Thompson
Best Rebounder – Alvin Battle
Mr. Assist – Mike Jones
Mr. Defense – Rick Lewis
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Mike Hutchings
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Terry Pike
Most Charges Taken Award – Alvin Battle
1982-83 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Mike Jones
Best Floor Shooter – Mitch Braswell
Best Foul Shooter – Thomas Mabry
Best Rebounder – James Wells
Mr. Assist – Dean Shaffer
Mr. Defense – Mike Jones
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Ron Watt
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Dave Ramer
Most Charges Taken Award – Thomas Mabry
1983-84 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Tony Robinson
Best Floor Shooter – Bobby Hines
Best Foul Shooter – Thomas Mabry
Best Rebounder – James Wells
Mr. Assist – Thomas Mabry
Mr. Defense – Mike Pulley
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Keith White
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Bobby Dunn
Most Charges Taken Award – James Wells
1984-85 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Mike Girardi
Best Floor Shooter – Mike Girardi
Best Foul Shooter – Terry Stevens
Best Rebounder – Bobby Hines
Mr. Assist – Earl Smith
Mr. Defense – Tony Robinson
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Mike Girardi
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Keith Hunter
Most Charges Taken Award – Keith Hunter
1985-86 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Ronnie Stample
Best Floor Shooter – Sean Anderson
Best Foul Shooter – Keith Hunter
Best Rebounder – Terry Stevens
Mr. Assist – Ronnie Stample
Mr. Defense – Richard Reed
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – David Tull
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Rob Pierce
Most Charges Taken Award – Keith Hunter
1986-87 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Richard Reed
Best Floor Shooter – Donald Harris
Best Foul Shooter – Jeff Bray
Best Rebounder – Louis Bryant
Mr. Assist – Richard Reed
Mr. Defense – Sam Barnes
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Jeff Bray
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Julius Jones
Most Charges Taken Award – Reggie Ricks
1987-88 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Sam Barnes
Best Floor Shooter – Ron Tabron
Best Foul Shooter – Ron Tabron
Best Rebounder – Sam Barnes
Mr. Assist – Joey Allison
Mr. Defense – Reggie Ricks
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Keith Warner, Joey Allison
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Reggie Ricks
Most Charges Taken Award – Ron Tabron
1988-89 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Joey Allison
Best Floor Shooter – Chris Heller
Best Foul Shooter – Malcolm Person
Best Rebounder – Malcolm Person
Mr. Assist – Joey Allison
Mr. Defense – Greg Ballard
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Chris Heller
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Napoleon Simmons
Most Charges Taken Award – Greg Ballard

Individual Team Awards: 1990-1999

Year Individual Team Awards
1989-90 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Kevin Weatherby
Best Floor Shooter – Chris Heller
Best Foul Shooter – Malcolm Person
Best Rebounder – Malcolm Person
Mr. Assist – Kevin Weatherby
Mr. Defense – Dexter Coward
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Chris Heller
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Alan Claunch
Most Charges Taken Award – Greg Frazier
1990-91 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Maurice Williams
Best Floor Shooter – Darrel Davis
Best Foul Shooter – Greg Frazier
Best Rebounder – Traven Buckner
Mr. Assist – Greg Frazier
Mr. Defense – Paul Merritt
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Alan Claunch
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Michael Rogers
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Paul Merritt
1991-92 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Darrel Davis
Best Floor Shooter – Darrel Davis
Best Foul Shooter – Noble Scott
Best Rebounder – Darrel Davis
Mr. Assist – Kevin Traylor
Mr. Defense – Benson Brower
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Alan Claunch, Andrew Allen
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Kevin Roberts
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – William Lawson
1992-93 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Noble Scott
Best Floor Shooter – Joey Fox
Best Foul Shooter – Kevin Traylor
Best Rebounder – Moses Kearney
Mr. Assist – Adrian O’Neal
Mr. Defense – Devon Hilliard
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Adrian O’Neal
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Robert Jaekle
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Vince Norris
1993-94 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Adrian O’Neal
Best Floor Shooter – Joey Fox
Best Foul Shooter – Andrew Allen
Best Rebounder – Joey Fox
Mr. Assist – Adrian O’Neal
Mr. Defense – Moses Kearney
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Adrian O’Neal
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Ed Cox
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Travis Schlaht

1994-95 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Travis Schlaht
Best Floor Shooter – Tyland Simmons
Best Foul Shooter – Travis Schlaht
Best Rebounder – Kelvin Richardson
Mr. Assist – Ernest (Dee) Mitchell
Mr. Defense – Rondell Christian
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Travis Schlaht
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Ja’Son Scott
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Travis Schlaht
1995-96 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Ja’Son Scott
Best Floor Shooter – Ja’Son Scott
Best Foul Shooter – Rondell Christian
Best Rebounder – Charles Wiley
Mr. Assist – Roman White
Mr. Defense – Rondell Christian
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Ja’Son Scott
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Jon Bailey
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Ja’Son Scott
1996-97 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Ty Winn
Best Floor Shooter – Ty Winn
Best Foul Shooter – Roylin Wolf
Best Rebounder – Ty Winn
Mr. Assist – Roman White
Mr. Defense – Anthony Ratliff
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Roylin Wolf
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Reggie Burch
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Richard Lugowski
1997-98 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Richard Lugowski
Best Floor Shooter – Kenquan Hudson
Best Foul Shooter – Roylin Wolf
Best Rebounder – Kenquan Hudson
Mr. Assist – Reggie Burch
Mr. Defense – Ebon Sharp
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Ebon Sharp
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Derrick Jessie, Fred Calico
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Richard Lugowski
1998-99 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Derrick Jessie
Best Floor Shooter – Andre Smith
Best Foul Shooter – Mike Sanders
Best Rebounder – Jorge Fernandez
Mr. Assist – Derrick Jessie
Mr. Defense – Jorge Fernandez
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Jason Souza
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Mike Tate
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – John Brandon

Individual Team Awards: 2000-2010

Year Individual Team Awards
1999-2000 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – The Team
Best Floor Shooter – Gentry Lewis
Best Foul Shooter – Ryan Crane
Best Rebounder – Gentry Lewis
Mr. Assist – Tyone Little
Mr. Defense – Jorge Fernandez
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Chris Nichols
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Manuel Gonzalez
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Chris Nichols
2000-01 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Keith Mclawhorn
Best Floor Shooter – Cliff Charles
Best Foul Shooter – Ronnie Moore
Best Rebounder – Omar Weller
Mr. Assist – Tyone Little
Mr. Defense – Hannibal Meadow
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Hector Nava
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Chris Nichols
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Greg Nichols, Greg Ward
2001-02 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Clifford Charles
Best Floor Shooter – Omar Waller
Best Foul Shooter – Darryl Jacobs
Best Rebounder – Clifford Charles
Mr. Assist – Hector Nava
Mr. Defense – Jay Rasheed
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Hector Nava
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Ken Richard
Most Courageous – Jerome Davis
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Darryl Jacobs
2002-03 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Christian Collazo & Jay Rasheed
Best Floor Shooter – Darryl Jacobs
Best Foul Shooter – Christian Collazo
Best Rebounder – Emier Sheppard
Mr. Assist – Christian Collazo
Mr. Defense – Jerome Davis
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Travis Harvey
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Alfred George & Anthony Hayes
Most Steals – Jay Rasheed
Most Improved – Travis Harvey, Alfred George, Emier Sheppard
Mr. Intensity – Jameel Gaines
Most Courageous – Coach John Sykes
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Jerome Davis
2003-04 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Emier Sheppard
Best Floor Shooter – Emier Sheppard
Best Foul Shooter – Emier Sheppard
Best Rebounder – Emier Sheppard
Mr. Assist – Emier Sheppard
Mr. Defense – Travis Harvey
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Jacob Betham
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Jacob Betham
Wayne’s Most Improved – Alfred George
Mr. Intensity – Chris Farmer
Most Courageous – Jameel Gaines
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Mark Ueyno

2004-05 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Chris Hayes
Best Floor Shooter – Chris Hayes
Best Foul Shooter – Joe Sandoval
Best Rebounder – Darryl Elijah
Mr. Assist – Lamar Burton-Norman
Mr. Defense -Joe Sandoval
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Casey Hawes
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Luke Yardy
Wayne’s Most Improved – Fred Reese
Mr. Intensity – Llyod Atkins
Most Courageous – Jameel Gaines
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Brandon Cole
2005-06 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Lamar Burton-Norman
Best Floor Shooter – Leslie Malone
Best Foul Shooter – A’Daeron Duncan
Best Rebounder – Leslie Malone
Mr. Assist – Lamar Burton-Norman
Mr. Defense – Chris Hayes
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Lamar Burton-Norman
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Chris Laveglia
Wayne’s Most Improved – John Jones
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Richard Jenkins
2006-07 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – A’Daeron Duncan & Leslie Malone
Best Floor Shooter – A’Daeron Duncan
Best Foul Shooter – Julius Cheeks
Best Rebounder – Leslie Malone
Mr. Assist – Edwin Opoku
Mr. Defense – Justin Sparks
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Chris Laveglia
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Brandon Williams
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – A’Daeron Duncan
2007-08 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Team
Best Floor Shooter – Justin Sparks
Best Foul Shooter – Julius Cheeks
Best Rebounder – Dominic Jones
Mr. Assist – Edwin Opoku
Mr. Defense – DeWisley Woods
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Justin Sparks
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Elvin McIntosh
Wayne’s Most Improved – Nate Williams
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Lavell Shipman
2008-09 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Lavell Shipman
Best Floor Shooter – Lavell Shipman
Best Foul Shooter – Logan Wiens
Best Rebounder – Stephon Thomas
Mr. Assist – John Lowe
Mr. Defense – JerMichael Williams
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Adam Grubb
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Tamar Moultrie
Wayne’s Most Improved – Andre Nichols
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Erin Walker
2009-10 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Team
Best Floor Shooter – Fred King
Best Foul Shooter – John Lowe
Best Rebounder – JerMichael Williams
Mr. Assist – John Lowe
Mr. Defense – Tamar Moultrie
Most Improved – Steve Diaz
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Glen Ayers
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Nick Guzman
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Logan Wiens

Individual Team Awards: 2011-2020

Year Individual Team Awards
2010-11                   Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Tamar Moultrie
Best Floor Shooter – Tamar Moultrie
Best Foul Shooter – Alonzo Sharpe
Best Rebounder – Joshua Tatum
Mr. Assist – Alonzo Sharpe
Mr. Defense – Andre Moore JR.
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – David Sandoval
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Frank Burns
Wayne’s Most Improved – Ryan Clay
Mr. Intensity – Hodari Peterson
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Joshua Tatum
2011-12 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Team
Best Floor Shooter – Lorenzo Whatley
Best Foul Shooter – Andre Mattson
Best Rebounder – Joshua Tatum
Mr. Assist – Ronnie Dunham
Mr. Defense – Trek Fayerweather
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Andre Mattson
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Andre Mattson
Wayne’s Most Improved – Frank Burns
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken Award – Edgar Lopez
2012-13 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Team
Best Floor Shooter – James Waters
Best Foul Shooter – Gurpreet Sangha
Best Rebounder – James Waters
Mr. Assist – Tyler Trammell
Mr. Defense – Diasuke Hatasako
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Diasuke Hatasako
John Miller Basketball Dedication Award – Jalen Williams
Wayne’s Most Improved – Matt Lavender
Doug L
Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Round Player – Team
Best Floor Shooter – Joshua Willingham
Best Foul Shooter -Deonta Woodard
Best Rebounder – Joshua Willingham
Mr. Assist – Joshua Williangham                                                                                                                                                                     
Mr. Intensity – Rodrick Hylton
Mr. Defense – Joshua Willingham
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award -Ricky Heidelbach
John Miller Basketball Dedication –  Jose Delecruz
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken – Jose Gonzalez                                                                                                                        
Most Courageous – John Zaragoza                                                                                                                                                                  
Wayne’s Most Improved Player – Orlando                                                                                                           
Comeback – John Zaragoza                                                                                                                                                                                
Mr. Humility – Byron Brummel
Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Award – Team
Best Floor Shooter – Chris Roberson
Best Foul Shooter – Rene Lampley
Best Rebounder – Chris Roverson & Ricky Heidelbach
Most Steals – Kesean Warren
Mr. Assist – Jose Delacruz
Mr. Intensity – Mike Harris
Mr. Defense – Chris Roberson
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Mike Harris & Yuhei Nakamura
John MillerDedication – Jose Delacruz
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken – Chris Roberson
Most Courageous – Kesean Warren
Wayne”s Most Improved Player – Rene Lampley
Most Coachable – Reggie Ricks Jr. 
 Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Around Award – Team
Best Floor Shooter – Chris Roberson
Best Foul Shooter – Kesean Warren
Best Rebounder – Chris Roberson
Most Steals – Paul Clark & Alexander Stewart
Most Blocks – Paul Clark
Mr. Assist – Kesean Warren
Mr. Intensity – Rene Lampley
Mr. Defense – Chris Roberson
Motty Mottram Scholastic Award – Chris Hanham
John Miller Dedication – Jose Delacruz
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken – Chris Roberson
Most Improved Player  – Tyree Wiggins
Most Coachable – Chris Hanham
Eddie Guerrero Memorial All-Around – Team
Best Floor Shooter – Eddie Reddiccs
Best Foul Shooter – Cedric Ayers Jr. 
Best Rebounder – Malachi Butler
Mr. Assist – Eddie Reddiccs
Mr. Intensity – Chris Portillo
Mr. Defense – Joshua Woods
Motty Mottram Scholastic – Riku Yamada
John Miller Basketball Dedication – Jacob Dominguez
Doug Lefever Most Charges Taken – Malachi Butler
Most Courageous – 
Wayne’s  Most Improved Player –
Most Steals – 
Most Coachable – Jacob Dominguez 

Historical Statistics & Records

Individual Single Game Records

 Record Detail
Most points –
1.  29, Malcolm Person vs. COS, 1989-90 half
2  29, John Safford vs. Delta, 1969-70 half
Most points – game:
48, John Safford vs. Reedley, 1969-70
Most field goal attempts:
32, Don Jones vs. Cuesta, 1966-67
Most field goals – half:
1.  12, Bill Wilkerson vs. Reedley, 1966-67
1.  12, John Safford vs. Delta, 1969-70
Most field goals – game:


1.  17, Don Jones vs. Cuesta, 1966-67
1.  17, John Safford vs. Hancock and Reedley, 1969-70
1.  17, Doug Adkins vs. West Hills, 1970-71
Best field goal percentage:


1.  (8-8), Marc Macomber vs. Reedley, 1975-76
1.  (8-8), Mark Pflum vs. Columbia, 1977-78
1. (8-8), Orlonzo Hedrington vs. Taft, 1977-78
1. (8-8), Doug Cherry vs Porterville, 1978-79
Most free throws attempted:
21, Roscoe Pierce vs. UOP Frosh, 1966-67
Best free throw percentage:
1.  100% (14-14), John Safford vs. Reedley, 1969-70
2.  100% (12-12),  Anthony Nolen vs Reedley, Jan 18, 2017
3.  100% (10-10), Anthony Nolen vs Chabot, Dec 2, 2016
Most rebounds
29, Willie Cherry vs. Antelope Valley, 1967-68
Most free throws made:
170, Jerry Pender, 1969-70
Most steals:
11, Willie Cherry vs. Antelope Valley, 1967-68
Most assists:
1.  14, Chip Harper vs. West Hills, 1974-75
1.  14, Joey Allison vs. Fresno, 1987-88
1.  14, Adrian O’Neal vs. Shasta, 1993-94


Historical Statistics & Records

Team Captains

 Athlete Year Played
Juan Escamilla 1963-64-65-66
Roy Brown 1965-66
John Keely 1965-66
Don Jones 1966-67
Les Worthy 1966-67
Don Jones 1967-68
Fred Warner 1967-68
Willie Cherry 1968-69
Fred Warner 1968-69
Ron Smiddy 1969-70
Al Boyce 1969-70
Ron Jones 1970-71
Doug Adkins 1970-71
Ken Walker 1970-71
John Rice 1971-72
Martin Valdez 1971-72
Ken Strader 1972-73
Jeff Boothe 1973-74
Ken Walker 1973-74
Craig Williams 1973-74
Bruce Bowen 1974-75
Bill Russsell 1974-75
Chip Harper 1974-75
Reggie Burt 1975-76
Marc Macomber 1975-76
Corky Harris 1976-77
Lenard Robertson 1976-77
Charles Tate 1976-77
Vic Humphrey 1977-78
Cal Roberts 1977-78
Ed Saunders 1978-79
Doug Cherry 1978-79
Charles Pittman 1979-80
Donnie Earl 1979-80
Jerry Dennard 1980-81
Rick Lewis 1980-81, 81-82
Alvin Battle 1981-82
Mike Thompson 1981-82
Mike Jones 1982-83
Dave Ramer 1982-83, 83-84
Thomas Mabry 1982-83, 83-84
James Wells 1983-84
Earl Smith 1984-85
Tony Robinson 1984-85
Keith Hunter 1985-86
Ronnie Stample 1985-86
Richard Reed 1986-87
Louis Bryant 1986-87
Reggie Ricks 1987-88
Sam Barnes 1987-88
Joey Allison 1988-89
Greg Ballard 1988-89
Chris Heller 1989-90
Maurice Williams 1989-90
Greg Frazier 1989-90
Greg Frazier 1990-91
Maurice Williams 1990-91
Darrel Davis 1991-92
Noble Scott 1992-93
Vince Norris 1992-93
Adrian O’Nea1 1993-94
Moses Kearney 1993-94
Travis Schlaht 1994-95
Ja’Son Scott 1995-96
Rondell Christian 1995-96
Tony Butler 1996-97
Anthony Ratliff 1996-97
Ebon Sharp 1997-98
Reggie Burch 1997-98
Derrick Jessie 1998-99
Keith McLauhorn 1998-99
Tyone Little 1999-2001
Hector Nava 2001-02
Clifford Charles 2001-02
Christian Collazo 2002-03
Travis Harvey 2003-04
Joe Sandoval 2004-05
Lamar Burton 2004-05, 05-06
Leslie Malone 2006-07
A’Daeron Duncan 2006-07
Terrence Welch 2006-07

Historical Statistics & Records

Team Season Records

 Records Detail
Best shooting percentage: 53.7%, 1978-79
Best free-throw percent:
1.  71.2, 2018-19
2.  70.6, 2014-15
3.  70.1, 2016-17
4.  69.1, 1978-79
Most rebounds: 1589-33games, 1978-79
Most points: 3157-32games, 1969-70
Most field goals attempted: 2747-32games, 1969-70
Most field goals made: 1264-32games, 1969-70
Most free throws attempted: 970-32games, 1969-70
Most free throws made: 620-32games, 1969-70
Best season record: 34-1, 1978-79 (Best Record in Nation)
Best conference record: 12 won, 0 loss, 1977-78
Best scoring average: 98.0, 1969-70
Best defenisve average: 51.5, 1981-82
Most wins in a row: 27, 1977-78 & 1978-79; 27, 1978-79 & 1979-80

Historical Statistics & Records

Team Single Game Records

 Record Year Played
Most field goal attempts: 110 vs. Reedley, 1964-65
Most field goals made: 58 vs. Moorpark, 1968-69
Fewest field goals attempts: 41 vs. Foothill College, 1963-64
Fewest field goals made – half: 4 vs. Santa Rosa, 1989-90
Fewest field goals made – game: 12 vs. Mendocino, 1977-78; vs. West Valley, 1994-95
Best shooting percentage: 68.6% (45-31) vs. UOP Frosh, 1963-64
Worst shooting percentage: 26% (83-22) vs. Phoenix, 1964-65
Most free throws attempted: 47 vs. West Hills, 1964-65
Best free throw percentage: 94.1% (16-17) vs. Hartnell, 1977-78
Most free throws made: 33 vs. West Hills, 1964-65
Most rebounds: 75 vs. Gavilan, 1964-65
Most points – half: 74 vs. Reedley, 1966-67; vs. Porterville, 1966-67
Most points – game: 135 vs. UCLA Frosh, 1969-70
Fewest points – half: 11 vs. Santa Rosa, 1989-90
Fewest points – game: 30 vs. COS, 1981-82
Most points by apponent: 129 vs. Fresno, 2004-05
Fewest points by apponent: 26 vs. Fresno CC, 1980-81
Fewest points in a half by opponent: 10 vs. COS, 1980-81; vs. Fresno CC 1980-81
Fewest fouls in a game: 6 vs. Menlo, 1977-78 State Championship Game