Supplies & Services

  • The Student Success & Tutorial Center (SSTC) is not responsible for items that are lost or left unattended. Staff or student workers cannot watch your items for you.
  • Students should respect the materials and environment of the SSTC at all times. Please pick up your trash and treat SSTC property with care.
  • The SSTC offers textbooks and laptops for loan to students. However, all items must remain in the center.


  • Students may not disrespect embedded peer mentors, other students, or staff. The below items will not be tolerated at any time:
    • Name-calling, gossiping, or bullying
    • Offensive or inappropriate comments, gestures, or attire
    • Threatening speech or behavior
    • Academic dishonesty, cheating, or plagiarism
    • Sexual harassment
  • Excessive noise or disruptive behavior is not acceptable in the SSTC. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Audible videos or music from personal devices
    • Any action that could cause physical or emotional harm to self or others
    • Being under the influence of controlled substances or alcohol
  • The SSTC does not sell food or beverages, but outside snacks and drinks are allowed under the following conditions:

    • Do not have food out or around laptops, desktop computers, or SSTC books. Please check laptops back in before you eat and make sure your hands are clean before using SSTC equipment.
    • Food in containers is permissible on hard top surfaces where no SSTC equipment, electronics, or books are present.
    • Since we cannot open doors or windows, please refrain from eating messy or smelly food in the SSTC.
    • Please make sure any drink has a lid.
    • In general, be clean and respectful of others when consuming snacks or drinks in the SSTC.
    • Please dispose of food and drink trash in an outside bin.
  • Students will listen to and follow the directions of SSTC embedded peer mentors or staff members at all times.
  • Any Student, Student Worker, or Staff not following to the policies may be asked to leave the SSTC by any SSTC faculty or staff member.