The Athletic Training Facility is currently open to all student athletes enrolled in an athletics class.  Appointments are not required.

The Athletic Training Facility is open Monday through Friday from 10am to 6pm.


It is the vision of the Merced College Athletic Training Department to provide the student-athletes of Merced College with the highest quality health care system available that reflects the mission and vision of Merced College.

Mission Statement

The Merced College Athletic Training Department delivers traditional athletic training and sports medicine services to the student-athletes of Merced College. The services provided to the student-athlete can be divided into four areas:

  1. Prevention of athletic injuries.
  2. Recognition, evaluation, and treatment of athlete injuries and illnesses.
  3. Rehabilitation and reconditioning of all injuries incurred by student athletes.
  4. Health and wellness education.

Our goal is to provide the student-athletes with the best health care possible. In providing these services, the athletic training staff strives to utilize the most efficient, proven and current technologies, including the best equipment available. Consistent with this goal, we aim to offer a health care system that is proactive in approach, reducing the risk of athletic injury for our student athletes; provide easily accessible sports medicine services that are responsive to the needs of the student-athlete; and facilitate injured student-athletes’ safe return to participation in athletic competition as soon as possible.

Our philosophy is that the needs of the student athlete will always be the first consideration for all members of the athletic training staff. The Merced College Athletic Training Department strives to be a program of recognized excellence in sports medicine. We will comply with the recommendations and guidelines as established by the California Community College Athletic Association’s Constitution and specifically the Medical Guidelines found in Bylaw 9.

The Athletic Training Department utilizes an online information and injury tracking software called SportsWare. Each athlete is required to enter in their personal information and update it annually.

To enter or update your information, follow the instructions below:

  • From your browser window navigate to
  • Click on Join SportsWare on right side of page
  • Enter School ID: Blue Devils
  • Select “Next”
  • Enter your first name, last name, e-mail and group (Merced College)
  • Select “Send”
  • Before you can continue you will need to be accepted. This may take 1-3 business days to complete.
  • Check your e-mail for acceptance notice; please check both your inbox and spam/junk folders. Sender will be “[email protected]” and subject will be “SportsWare OnLine Password Request”
  • Click on the link and enter and choose a password
  • Enter in your information under all 5 tabs labeled General, Address, Emergency, Insurance, and Medical.
  • Only enter information marked with a red asterisk (*), all other areas are optional.
  • Select “Save” when finished. If you do not, you will lose all of the information that you just input.


Athletic Training Facility

Merced Campus Field House A next to the pool and parking lot 4.
The entrance to the ATF is on the West side of the building facing the pool deck.

Local Medical Facilities
Mercy Medical Center 333 Mercy Ave.
Merced, CA 95340
Main Line (209) 564-5000
Emergency Department (209) 626-4375
Urgent Care
Golden Valley Health Center
Merced Prompt Care
857 West Childs Ave.
Merced, CA 95341
(209) 385-5645
Fountain View Urgent Care 374 West Olive Ave. #A
Merced, CA 95348
(209) 384-5766
Patients First Medical Center 394 E. Yosemite Ave.
Merced, CA 95340
(209) 383-3990
Local Medical Organizations
Valley River Orthopedics 3329 G St., Suite A
Merced, CA 95340
(209) 400-2959
MFA Medical Group 127 W. El Portal Drive
Merced, CA 95348
(209) 723-3704
Yosemite Bone and Joint 240 East 13th Street
Merced, CA 95341
(209) 723-2799
